Carbon footprint

Larmorie is committed to preserving and respecting the environment.
We therefore offer leather products made in France and are committed to a process of transparency.
Global warming threatens three billion people in 2050, according to the IPCC, and its main cause is the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Measuring the climate footprint of our production is therefore the first step to reduce it and develop other areas of improvement.

How was the climate footprint of the Larmorie collection calculated?

La Belle Empreinte calculated the footprint of Larmorie's leather objects based on the methodology and data from the ADEME Impact Base* as well as all the product data collected by Larmorie from its suppliers.

The greenhouse gas footprint is expressed in kilograms of CO2 equivalent.

DATA SOURCE: Impact Base version 2.0 from ADEME and data linked to products (composition, place of manufacture, etc.) from Larmorie.

METHODOLOGY: Simplified life cycle analysis according to the ADEME technical base which corresponds to an extended scope called “Scope 3” in the Bilan Carbone methodology.

SCOPE: entire product life cycle: materials, tanning, finishing, manufacturing, accessories, transport, packaging, end of use. The scope stops at the logistics platform and the stores; it does not take into account e-commerce distribution.

TOOL: The calculations are done automatically by a platform developed by La Belle Empreinte for which the greenhouse gas and freshwater eutrophication indicators have been certified by an ADEME* delegatee.

What is the climatic footprint of the Larmorie collection?

You can find the impact of our products using the La Belle Empreinte widget which is located at the bottom of each product description.

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